
Xiaowen Liu

Organic Chemistry

Biopharmaceutics, Associate professor

[email protected]

Fudan University-DSM Joint Laboratory


Research Interests

  • Protein engineering

  • Solubility enhancement of poorly water-soluble drugs


  • 2022.10-        Associate professor, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University

  • 2020.10-2022.9   Associate professor, School of Medicine, Jinan University, Guangzhou

Key Publications

  1. X. Liu*, J Chen, J. Zhong, F. Chen*. Tailored amphiphilic polymers enable stabilized biologics in hyperthermal water and freeze-drying process. Chem. Eng.J., 2024, 482, 148962

  2. X. Xin, Y. Liu, L. Guo, H.Wang, D. Lu, Y. Chang, M. Wan, Y. Zhang, Y. Shan, Q. Zhang, X. Liu*, F. Gao*. Improvement of B cell responses by an HIV-1 amphiphilic polymer nanovaccine. Nano Lett., 2023, 23, 9, 4090–4094

  3. X. Liu*, L. Zhao, B. Wu, F. Chen*. Improving solubility of poorly water-soluble drugs by protein-based strategy: a review. Int. J. Pharm., 2023, 634,122704.

  4. X. Xin, J. Chen, L. Chen, J. Wang, X. Liu*, F. Chen*. Lyophilized insulin micelles for long-term storage and regulation of blood glucose for preventing hypoglycemia. Chem. Eng.J., 2022, 435, 134929.

  5. P. Zhou, X. Zhang, X. Xin, J. Yang, Q. Pan, C. Liu, Y. Liu, X. Yu, Z. Li*, G. Jiao*, X. Liu *. Click chemistry-conjugated protein-drug micelles with anti-ferroptotic and anti-inflammatory properties promote regeneration in spinal cord injury. Chem. Eng.J., 2022, 428, 132118.

  6. X. Xin, Y. Xu, H. Shi, X. Liu*. General method to stabilize mesophilic proteins in hyperthermal water. iSciecne, 2021, 24 (5), 102503.

  7. X. Liu, P. Zhang, D. He, W. Rodl, T. Preiß, J. O.Radler, E. Wagner, U. Lächelt*. pH-reversible cationic RNase A conjugates for enhanced cellular delivery and tumor cell killing. Biomacromolecules, 2016, 17(1), 173-182.